Monday, October 8, 2012

First time alone

Okay so yeah at my age I should have had the experience of living on my own before now but I didn't. So today Ann and Ted finally got the paperwork so Ann could go on the road with him. We were all happy to hear they finally managed to get it as they have been trying for a while now to get it. This was good though it meant I will be here all by myself for two weeks. Last time Ann went on the road I had her daughter here to keep me company but with her in collage now she wont be here to do so this time. 

At first like a few days ago when I heard they were gonna get it all ready so she could go out I thought no problem I can handle two weeks alone. Then today or yesterday depending on who your listening to they left to go lode the truck. Things got a little lonely and then Ann came back to drop off her SUV and I walked with her to the truck to carry her bag of ice for her. I gotta say i was starting to feel a lot more depressed by the time we said see ya in two weeks. The short walk back to the apartment seemed to take forever to get back and once I was inside I let all my emotions spill out for a few minutes. After that I just went about changing a few things in the apartment like hanging up two pictures in Ann's room and doing the dishes before my shower.

Why did I hang pictures in Ann's room? well Its because till they get back i'm sleeping in here. No its not a wired thing its purely that you have to walk through her room to get to the bathroom, its one of the warmest rooms in the house and the big one, It has the most comfortable bed in the house in it. My mattress on the floor is a single and is so uncomfortable i wake up with my right arm cracking loudly and hurting for hours. It is due to this that I sleep on the couch in the front room so much to avoid hurting my arm, well I cant do that now since there apparently a draft. I know this because I keep getting sick all over again when I sleep out there but its better than my arm hurt so what the hell. Well with those two gone for two weeks i'm taking the comfortable bed and am NOT going to wake up sick or in pain if I can avoid it.

Anyway now here I am taking two weeks to get use to living alone which i'm not use to. This wouldn't be so bad if I were doing it in a town with anything good to do or if I knew anyone in this town at all who isn't at collage or on the rode. I'm fucking isolated and if I don't keep busy I'm sure I'll go out of my damn mind. I even considered getting a job just to preserve my sanity even if I would need to get a new one when we all move.

So over the next few weeks I have no clue what I'll post here but Frank Friday will still be on. The rest of the time is a wild card right now. Only way is to stay tuned and keep checking in. Hope you enjoyed the red and Happy nights till next time everyone.

Sincerely: Ross