Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween Everyone

Its finally my favorite holiday and I'm still sick so I cant enjoy it. Me and Noba both don't like being sick and it's worse with no one here to see that I'm okay. If someone was here I'd be at ease and probably still sick but getting better. Its too bad I'ts so cold here or I'd be passing out candy but with it only being in the 40s in the day and 30s at night I cant this year :( . Well anyway Happy Halloween everyone. Happy nights till next time and I hope you liked reading this. I'll leave you all with there anime treats.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Duel Post (Late Frank Friday & Fallow Up Post)

Hey all Its me Ross and yes I know Frank Friday is late. I had more pressing issues yesterday so it was postponed until today. My father took me to unguent care yesterday and we talked about a lot of things as we drove there. As long time readers of my blog will know me and my father don't always see eye to eye or get along but I was freaking out so we ended up talking about a lot of privet things I normally wouldn't mention or bring up at all. We did that till we got into the first building. We went in and everything was strange to be honest. I don't go to the doctor often and I'm horrible with remembering things so I'm glad he was there. I found it hard to fill out the paperwork with me being so stressed and my heart pounding away. 

Once we were in the lady that talked to us was rather lets say pushy like she wanted to get through everything quick which would have been fine if she had really said anything. Instead she sent us to the ER after doing a few tests. By the time we got there I was wigging out about the fact that I had NOT been told anything to disprove my greatest fear. The wait felt like forever before then took me to my room and told me to wait there. I did as I was told and ended up talking to my father a bit more and answering the nurses questions. well i'd say like ten min later the doctor came in and he was a nice guy honestly. He very much set my mind at ease till he wanted to run a CT scan on my head. See I went in worried about things that were super unlikely and I tried to see if a none radiation test was possible but in the end agreed to the CT. A few minutes later another guy wheeled my bed to the CT room and I got in the try. I was so nervous but he told me its the same radiation as standing next to the microwave so I calmed down and once I got in position the two nurses asked if i'd done a CT before because I seemed experienced with what was required of me. 

On the way back I talked to the male nurse who told me really people with the big C can live into their 70s which shocked me. I didn't and never want that but still. Anyway things had lightened up once I got back from the test and a half hour later the doctor came in and told me my brain was fine and he gave me a prescription of pills for vertigo and one there in the hospital. Once I got the news I was so relived and we went out and grabbed some Arby's before we got my pills and I was taken home. I gotta say that pill made me drowse and I slept ten hour only waking up a few times. It was hard to get up this morning too. So that's why I missed Frank Friday yesterday. Today were both chilling out in bed because the doctors never ran any blood work to tell me if I had a cold, flue or anything like that so I'm doing the bed rest thing till the cold symptoms go away. Being alone here and drowse sucks though because the day seems to be going on forever like times slowed down. I mean when I woke in the night It had been fifteen min since I went to bed but it felt like hours had passed and now that i'm up it feels later than it is. well thanks for reading and that's all for now. Happy nights till next time all, now I'm off to watch anime and get plenty to drink.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Explanation (my problem and a need to change)

Okay so its Ross. I know I haven't posted in about a week but there is a reason. I have been sick with a cold lately and I need to concentrate on getting better first and foremost. It hasn't been going well thanks to my habit of  freaking out over every symptom and looking up what I have on Google  I get really worried when I do that and it makes me panic over illnesses I most likely don't have. I need to stop doing that from now on. Whats worse is that I get too focused on worrying than getting better and I make things worse for myself. I'm pretty sure now I have a cold and anxiety but I'm seeing a doctor soon to find out. I'm honestly really scared to find out but I also really want to know i'm okay so I'll stop driving people around me fucking crazy. I mean one week I convinced myself I had hypothermia because my body temp was 96.7 when I took it. That really wasn't my proudest moment and its kept getting worse since then. This needs to stop and I'm gonna make it stop.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Frank Friday

Okay I'm super late due to the fact that I've been in bed. Don't you just love cold and flu season? I know I like the months but not the sickness or the freezing cold. Its Ross by the way and If your wondering why no new picture of Frank its because he wont hold still today since Ann and her husband came home with his playmate the dog. So you'll all need to settle for this old picture this wee. Sorry and I hope you continue to read. Happy nights till next time everyone.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Hey it’s Ross and if you’re a long time reader of this blog (if in fact any of those really exist yet) you know a while back I started dieting after a lot of humiliation ad my cousins wedding. No I will NOT retell that story. If you really are interested in it though go look at my earlier posts. You'll find it. Anyway back to what I was saying. So I started this diet to lose weight so I could fit comfortably in my black pinstripe dress pants again, then it progressed from there. After I could fit them I was looking at that evil BMI thing and I wanted it to say I’m in the normal weight for my height. Well tonight I finally fit in the ideal weight for my height once again after over six months of calorie counting (If my scales right that is). Now I can go back to eating 2100 calories a day. It’s wonderful to know I can go to an all you can eat buffet again and not worry if I’m over my limit on calories. It truly is a pain in the ass to count calories at a buffet and it also means I can eat snack foods again. Today I celebrated by eating three decent sized meals. Since the diet started I had cut back to two meals a day and I think it’s fucked with my health from not getting enough nutrients. No I will not be going back to my old ways that got me in this mess but also no I will not be calorie counting as much anymore. Kinda wish it was summer now so I could break out the fireworks and put on a yukata as bad as that may sound it would be fun to do, but alas its October and too cold for that. Plus I don't have any fireworks or own a yukata. Happy nights till next time everyone. Hope you enjoyed hearing my good news as much as I did.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My hopes for PETA

Okay its Ross and for those of you who don't know PETA pulled some shit recently that was just fucking sad. It was an unforgivable crime for trying suck a low blow. They created a new Pokemon game titled "Pokemon Black and Blue". I watched this game played and was disturbed deeply by the fact that they would attack fictional creations from my generations childhood and even the new generations childhood. Its like they are trying to brainwash little kids and that's NOT fucking right at all. Honestly id be pissed if I payed a company to save animals and they wasted the money to pull this crap. I mean honestly the game was fucked up and any person who was or still is a fan of Pokemon will recognize this. The last boss in the game is Ash and they have him talk shit about never caring about pikachu because he kept him in a pokeball and that he only needs him to make money from children's parents. Now first off he doesn't keep pikachu in a pokeball almost ever throughout the series in any season. He literally dies for him multiple times, it all shows they didst know what they were even talking about. Also right from the start they paint the whole thing out to be nothing but violence and abuse when in fact the point of the show was that people coexist with Pokemon peacefully. In the game they even give out rewards that show brutality like for example a video of animals being abused. This is gonna be viewed by children people. Now not that I don't want animals protected but I fully agree with the maker of the video I will be sharing that I hope Nintendo sues PETA for the crime they have committed as a publicity stunt. Watch the video comment and happy nights till next time.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Frank Friday - A Chance Discovery

Okay so I (Ross) found out something a few days ago. We were getting ready for bed and he was curled up next to me. I started hearing this wired noise so I looked around trying to find the source of it. It was frank snoring loudly in his sleep. Yes people he snores, I had no clue ether. Happy nights till next time all. hope you continue reading.

Monday, October 8, 2012

First time alone

Okay so yeah at my age I should have had the experience of living on my own before now but I didn't. So today Ann and Ted finally got the paperwork so Ann could go on the road with him. We were all happy to hear they finally managed to get it as they have been trying for a while now to get it. This was good though it meant I will be here all by myself for two weeks. Last time Ann went on the road I had her daughter here to keep me company but with her in collage now she wont be here to do so this time. 

At first like a few days ago when I heard they were gonna get it all ready so she could go out I thought no problem I can handle two weeks alone. Then today or yesterday depending on who your listening to they left to go lode the truck. Things got a little lonely and then Ann came back to drop off her SUV and I walked with her to the truck to carry her bag of ice for her. I gotta say i was starting to feel a lot more depressed by the time we said see ya in two weeks. The short walk back to the apartment seemed to take forever to get back and once I was inside I let all my emotions spill out for a few minutes. After that I just went about changing a few things in the apartment like hanging up two pictures in Ann's room and doing the dishes before my shower.

Why did I hang pictures in Ann's room? well Its because till they get back i'm sleeping in here. No its not a wired thing its purely that you have to walk through her room to get to the bathroom, its one of the warmest rooms in the house and the big one, It has the most comfortable bed in the house in it. My mattress on the floor is a single and is so uncomfortable i wake up with my right arm cracking loudly and hurting for hours. It is due to this that I sleep on the couch in the front room so much to avoid hurting my arm, well I cant do that now since there apparently a draft. I know this because I keep getting sick all over again when I sleep out there but its better than my arm hurt so what the hell. Well with those two gone for two weeks i'm taking the comfortable bed and am NOT going to wake up sick or in pain if I can avoid it.

Anyway now here I am taking two weeks to get use to living alone which i'm not use to. This wouldn't be so bad if I were doing it in a town with anything good to do or if I knew anyone in this town at all who isn't at collage or on the rode. I'm fucking isolated and if I don't keep busy I'm sure I'll go out of my damn mind. I even considered getting a job just to preserve my sanity even if I would need to get a new one when we all move.

So over the next few weeks I have no clue what I'll post here but Frank Friday will still be on. The rest of the time is a wild card right now. Only way is to stay tuned and keep checking in. Hope you enjoyed the red and Happy nights till next time everyone.

Sincerely: Ross

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Last two pictures of the day

Okay based on the sketchy content of the last two I do warn you that if you cant take the joke you should just leave right now with no hard feelings. Nothing personal is meant by this. Now for those who remain here are the last two shots of the day. From your friend: Noba

Does anyone else wanna play with her as the "Victim"

Happy nights till next time everyone. Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I did and I do hope you'll keep reading and visit my blog again some time.

Start Rethinking It

Yep when you find this its time to consider rethinking things and start working out an escape plan. From your friend: Noba

Online dating shot

As most of you wont know I was dumped a while back and it was by a girl I was dating online. Now that being said aside from the gun this is was pretty much how it happened. More to come in a few hours. Your friend: Noba

The Funnies

I saw this and new I had to show you all. It was hard to find it so I hope you all like it. More to come later in the day. From your friend: Noba

Friday, October 5, 2012

Frank Friday

Okay so not much to say this Friday. Franks screaming bloody murder because hes feeling chatty and i found one of his nails like stuck in the carpet. it was really wired seeing that so i thought id share it here. This has been another Frank Friday and thanks for reading. Happy nights till next time.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Last Joke For A While

Yo all its me Noba again and i'm posting yet another sex joke taken from and yes I know its not all sex jokes there people. So without further delay here it is. Hope you like it and happy nights till next time. This is the last  I'll be posting just so you know. All jokes are now up.

The Deaf Genie

A man walks into a bar with a paper bag. He sits down and places the bag on the counter. The bartender walks up and asks what's in the bag. The man reaches into the bag and pulls out a little man, about one foot high and sets him on the counter. He reaches back into the bag and pulls out a small piano, setting it on the counter as well. He reaches into the bag once again and pulls out a tiny piano bench, which he places in front of the piano. The little man sits down at the piano and starts playing a beautiful piece by Mozart!
"Where on earth did you get that?" says the bartender.
The man responds by reaching into the paper bag. This time he pulls out a magic lamp. He hands it to the bartender and says: "Here. Rub it."
So the bartender rubs the lamp, and suddenly there's a gust of smoke and a beautiful genie is standing before him. "I will grant you one wish. Just one wish .. each person is only allowed one!"
The bartender gets real excited. Without hesitating he says, "I want a million bucks!" A few moments later, a duck walks into the bar. It is soon followed by another duck, then another. Pretty soon, the entire bar is filled with ducks and they keep coming! The bartender turns to the man and says, "Y'know, I think your genie's a little deaf. I asked for a million bucks, not a million ducks."
"Tell me about it!!" says the man, "do you really think I asked for a 12 inch pianist?"

Joke #5

Yo all its me Noba again and i'm posting yet another sex joke taken from and yes I know its not all sex jokes there people. So without further delay here it is. Hope you like it and happy nights till next time. This is one of the last two I'll be posting just so you know. All jokes will be up later today.
The Witchdoctor's Cure

After a few years of married life, this guy finds that he is unable to perform anymore. He goes to his doctor, and his doctor tries a few things, but nothing works. Finally the doctor says to him, "this is all in your mind," and refers him to a psychiatrist.
After a few visits to the shrink, the shrink confesses, "I am at a loss as to how you could possibly be cured." Finally the psychiatrist refers him to a witch doctor.
The witch doctor tells him, "I can cure this," and throws some powder on a flame, and there is a flash with billowing blue smoke.... The witch doctor says "This is powerful healing but you can only use it once a year! All you have to do is say '123' and it shall rise for as long as you wish!"
The guy then asks the witch doctor "What happens when it's over?" The witch doctor says "all you have to say is '1234' and it will go down. But be warned it will not work again for a year!"
The guy goes home and that night he is ready to surprise his wife with the good news.... So he is lying in bed with her and says '123', and suddenly he gets an erection.
His wife turns over and says "What did you say '123' for?"