Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Toy Chest

Yes people as promised I Noba am doing the long awaited blog on my TOY chest. It does exist and now its time for you all to get your proof. After this however Ross has a lot of shit to tell you, Its been crazy here so he does have a lot to say.

Okay well now lets not keep you waiting. This is my Toy chest, you can't see it but I have a lot of stuff in it and to be honest most of the crap in it are just pervertibles. (god I love pervertibles) Okay for anyone who doesn't know a pervertable is and non sexual object that can be used for a sexual activity. An example is the spatula being used as a paddle. Its great for that use, cheep, and can be sterilized easily so you can use it with multiple partners even if you get blood on it. (after you clean it of cores) Some of my stuff really was made for BDSM though. I'll do a blog on my books on the subject but not today. Anyway since I cant show you everything in the toy box I just picked out a few key things that I've picked up here and there. I left out basic stuff like lube and condoms because come on people you all know what they look like and if you don't your under age and shouldn't be here in the first place. Okay well that's it for now. I'll do another blog on some of my pervertables and what I plan to use them for eventually. Aside from that nothing really left to say. Now I'll turn it over to Ross.

Okay finally I get to talk. Let me start out with telling you there's only like eight or nine things to tell you so he exaggerated a little bit saying I had a lot of shit to talk about, maybe ten at the most. Okay he didn't exaggerate at all. I'll start right from the earliest one. I heard from my BFF's boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend. Apparently her ex-boyfriend started a bit of trouble and that and a few other things made the guy leave her. Shes okay though so I guess that's fine then though shes going to talk to the ex that made her last one leave soonish. After that bit of bad news comes the most recognizable one. That being that I added stuff to my blog to make it look better. I really would like to hear your opinion about it by the way.

Oh I have stayed at 190LB so my diet seems to be stuck but at least its not going up and I now really understand how hard it is to count calories. This shit sucks but at least its helping my figure a bit. I think I need to recheck how much I can eat now since I dropped ten pounds.

We got bad news on the pup. Hes gonna die thanks to the face that we cant pay the bill for the surgeries for him. Pretty much its gonna expand and crush his ribs and then explode inside him. :( On the same note we are gonna have to send him to the shelter now anyway so maybe he'll get lucky and someone there will do the surgery to get him better. The reason we need to get rid of him is that hes become destructive and he ate the cord to a 35 dollar fan for spite as part of his little protest since we aren't feeding them wet dog food or any food/water in the house to stop from having as many accidents. It started with them peeing in spots they know we need to step then escalated to them knocking cans off the shelf and shredding the labels for spite. After that cord was gone it looks like he started nibbling on the cord to the fridge and hes been chewing on the legs to the table and the sides of my wooden box I'm letting Ann keep some of her stuff it. I'm gonna give it to her after this if she can still use it.

After that there's another small thing. I'm finally learning how to drive. Kinda sucks that at 20 I'm just now learning. I kinda hate driving to be honest. All we have to practice in is an SUV and I cant park or use the gas peddle at all without gunning it. Ann's a perfectionist so she wont even let me take my driving test till I do everything perfect. Aside from that the book is so boring I haven't gotten very far in reading it to take the computer scored portion.

Next is that I started a website and I'm trying to promote some of my stuff online so more people get to see it. The site is mainly a place to get to my other blogs and stuff once I get the links up, and for me to get to talk to everyone and maybe even meet my fans.  Its nothing big but still I like it. Well here's a link to that and do feel free to join up and become a member of it.

The biggest news though is the storm that hit Ohio and caused such a mess. oh and the heat adviser that's making life hellish around here. Its in the 90s like every day now *frowns*. So back to the storm. It came threw and ended up making the whole state loose power. Lucky for us we only lost it for like ten min but our internet was out for like a whole day. Other people weren't so lucky and lost all their power. The storm came in so fast and strong too. It knocked over our trash and a few boards from out fenced in back porch. Trees fell on peoples houses and shit. It looked like a damn blizzard or sandstorm outside only with water instead or snow or sand. The next day was fun too since we had to go into town and needed to stop at our gas station in town. Bad idea since everyone suddenly wanted to get gas encase the power went out again. We had to wait in line over an hour to get to the pump and I wanted to beat an old man since less for running across the street to cut in line after id waited in line over 45min in the heat advisory and we were running on fumes. Other idiots held up the lines to make beer runs and it was even worse out at the truck stop as there the line backed up so much it stretched out onto the free way. Oh and when we got into town after that bull shit we went to Kroger and they had thrown away everything in the fruit/veggy section, freezer section, and fridge section rather than give what of it was still good to the homeless or sell it at half price. Aldi's thank god had the since to just mark their stuff down which made it easier to get the meals I'll be eating with Ann's girl while shes back on the rode with her hubby for the week. Yep I'm with her alone again for another week only this time we get to watch all the dogs in a heat adviser as an added bonus. Its not that I mind being with just her or watching the dogs to let Ann get alone time with her husband no its the heat and the fights I know will happen already. Found out they are looking for workers there at 10.75 an hour to start off. I may apply so I can get some job experience before I move.

Last bit Is I'm getting a better understanding of my twitter and am not on every day. If anyone wants to fallow me feel free. You'll find my screen name in the side bar. Yes I'm BOYxPrincess. Oh and We heard about the bird. All the time I've lived with Ann (a few years) she tried to get it to cuss and the new owner has gotten him to within the first three weeks of owning him. she did it by accident but still now he has picked up the phrase God Damn It and practices it loudly all the time. Aside from that share my blog, become a follower of it, hell like it on Facebook/twitter or something lol. I could use the extra visitors to get it more popular. Aside from that have a good day. Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it and continue to read my stuff.