Friday, August 3, 2012

Frank Friday & a VERY Stoned Kitty

Finally wore himself out
Okay It's Ross. I nearly missed Frank Friday this week due to computer troubles provided by I Went there to get part of what I needed to play the hack for Pokemon Ruby that's called Pokemon Snakewood. It looks fun plus zombie Pokemon and the people say wired shit since It wasn't made by the official company. It all takes place after Z-Day. So any way I couldn't figure out the last bit of instructions so I wound up adding a bunch of systems and games from the site. Not all of their stuff causes problems. The Sega Genesis and Gameboy Color/Advance didn't cause a problem. It was the super Nintendo that caused all these issues. Aside from that I'd suggest them to fans of the old games who wanna play them on the computer.

Anyway that aside we have had a few problems this week while Ann is away. First off were out of cat food so hes eating cat treats till she gets back. I decided to give him some catnip because he was board and I couldn't reach it so I must have dumped the days worth on the floor (we don't give him much) but the fan blew it all over. Now hes down to just the cat nip treats so hes stoned and when hes stoned two things happen. One he gets the munchies and two he gets lovable/clingy and downright stalkerish of me. With nothing but catnip treats to feed him hes getting stoned all over again every time he gets hungry. Cant wait till Ann gets home tonight with cat food. He has tuckered himself out for now thank god though. Till next time. Keep reading and I hope you liked reading this.