Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What the hell Hiro? (yaio)

This is that video I mentioned in my last post.

Coming Late

Hey it’s Ross. Okay I know it’s been almost two weeks since my last post. I've been a bit lazy to be honest but I did say I'd make this bi-weekly at worst. So let’s start right off where I left off. A few days went by with the new hellions and I grew past the I don't want anything to do with them phase. Diablo's name got changed to Mason by Ted. Carlos is doing better now. After his one day with five seizures in a row he hasn't had another one since. He wasn't able to eat solid food for like a week after his health problem. Since then I've gotten use to them being around though I still hate the whining they do just because they don’t want to be in the cage or kitchen. It’s really their own fault they aren't allowed on the mattress in the front room or the carpet without being herded to the door to go out. That's what happens when they have accidents. At least in the kitchen on the hard wood it’s easier to clean up.

Well unless you have guessed it or your clairvoyant you haven't known till now I graduated last year and my one blood related sister is graduating in two days. What does this have to do with the past two weeks you ask? Simple my uncle just found out because he never got a card in the mail because we were given the wrong address last year. Well he is super cool and I like him a lot. He’s my father’s brother and a great artist. Not like famous great but still talented though a bit out there. Anyway he sent me and as I'm told my sister our graduation gifts the other day. :) He has wonderful taste or just knows me too well because aside from fifty bucks I got this great necklace that he bought as Zack's Avenue. This thing is so cool and beats the hell out of my father’s one none cash/gift card gift and my grandma’s gift to me. She gave me a glass paperweight made in Scotland. I love the design and though I don't typically go for gold or male jewelry much this one’s an exception. Yes people I wear woman's necklaces a lot because I like them. Aside from my silver chain my mom gave to me and I broke and had to repair I don't own much male jewelry. I mean I have my class ring but that's about it aside from those two necklaces.

On mother’s day I went out with my mom to spend some time with her and we went shopping which was okay. Can't say I like grocery shopping though but I managed to get through it. While we were out I was looking to buy something like the Google TV Blue Ray player because I want to run the internet through my TV. I went to Walmart and picked up what I was told would do the same thing and was in my price budget of fifty sixty five bucks. Needless to say the blonds they put back in electronics who are "Experts" know little or shit about the product they are selling. I was told my new Roku LG would let me run my Facebook and twitter completely and it doesn't. Well I called my father to see if it would do what I wanted so I could return it if it wouldn't but he never called me back. When I got home I was promptly lectured for wanting to share it but not leave it in the front room. Ann and her husband aren't comfortable going into others rooms for long if at all. So I blew it off and hooked it up to find I was lied to about what It could do. I was gonna return it but then I found out it had a lot of my addiction on it (Anime) for free to watch. I was hooked from that point and have added a few things since then to have more fun with it.

My battery came in the mail but it doesn't seem to fit in my computer :( which is upsetting because that means I have to keep using this battery that only holds like a hour and a half long charge if I'm lucky. Oh well I'm gonna have my father take a look at it when I go to stay overnight at his place after my sisters graduation. I have to stay overnight because my BFF is having her graduation the next day and she came to mine plus I think of her kinda like the sister I never had and really want to be there for her. She’s like the sweetest girl I know and I love her to death though I don’t think us trying to be a couple would be best since she’s the only friend I've kept in contact with from high school. It’s not that we both don't want to do it because we both have admitted we want to date but I can’t be there for her because of where I live and moving back to her town isn't what I want to do. She’s like the only girl I've opened up to who hasn't tried to fuck me over in real life. I feel super comfortable near her and she has a way of making me smile without even trying as I've been told. I really feel I can tell her anything and she has no problems with who I am or what I'm into ether. I was really sad when she said she was gonna move to Florida a few months back but now I hear she got a job and changed her mind so she plans to stay in our state. If she had moved out of state I may have taken Ann up on her suggestion and did that job core thing so I could move away from here free and start a new life somewhere else. I’d choose somewhere colder than this if I had a choice though. It’s so damn hot here.

The diet is going really off and on between good and bad. First off I fucked up finding how many calories I can eat a day then I messed up thinking Kool Aid only had thirty.  I'm back on track now though which is good not to mention I am not gaining weight which I like though I'm not losing it very fast ether. I seem to be staying between 203 and 198LB at all times so far. Maybe I should include exercise again to lose more and drink more ice water. I had no problems giving up almost all sugars though which has helped. Oddly enough thou it seems to be working for me though I haven't tried those pants on again to see if they are still tight. I did get new pants though and it seems 38x30s fit me best. (Damn my child bearing hips) I can wear 36s though but they are a bit tight when I sit down, hoping to fix that soon.

I also found out one of my old YouTube videos on my previous account hit over 790 views. I was shocked to say the least since I forgot about the video point blank till I got an email about someone commenting on it. It kinda made me proud I made it and that so many people liked it so much though I do think it was one of my better AMVs.

I'd say I should rap it up for now since that was the highlights for ya and I'm starting to ramble a bit. Hope you liked it and keep reading.