Monday, July 30, 2012

Welcoming Sadie

Okay so today I got my order from eBay. I've decided to tell about each order I make on here just for the hell of it. So today I welcome little Sadie to my family. After hearing about Living Dead Dolls from a friend on fetlife I knew I had to order one. I looked on eBay for about an hour before I found her though shes a mini shes so cute/creepy. She was also probably the most expensive toy I've ever payed for with money I earned too. Aside from her today I got a DVD I've wanted for a long time only every time I called to order it I was told they would need to special order it and it would cost me around 25 bucks. I got it for only 9.99 and I'm so happy. Unfortunately I got Temptation in a sleeve instead of its box like I thought I would but I can live with this as long as it works I guess. I hate it when the seller doesn't give details so you have to rely on the picture and find out later though that you aren't getting what you thought you bid on. Well that's all for this time and I'll tell Noba you all said hi. Thanks for reading and join me again some time, maybe on Frank Friday. Later :)