Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fuck You Online Its Not a Crime

Okay well today I’m cutting away from the normal all of us who view my blog regularly have grown accustom to. What I plan to type here will possibly be some of the most controversial material I will ever post up. I know many of you will be offended by what I will put here and honestly you are welcome to leave all the hate mail you'd like but your also welcome to leave right now before I get into what it is I have to say. You have been warned.

Okay so an incident last night prompted me to type this up today and it was one that touched me deeply but not in a good way. Me and a friend of mine were chatting online late at night and it must have started around two thirty in the morning but it didn't end till five am. For over two hours my friend cut into me attacking me beliefs. In the paragraphs to come her name will be changed to protect her identity that’s the favor I will grant in this situation. 

Alright let’s get started. I got on after dealing with some business with Ann about moving soon. We were picking a city and trying to get an idea of where to move to. I'm gonna be staying with her and her husband for the year to come after we get the new place so I can save up money to get a place of my own but im jumping off topic now so I’ll get back to it. So I get on and Kate was online because we had planned to meet up for a while. Things started off cool but changed as they always do. It started with her asking about where I stand in politics. I told her the truth I stand on the, I'm a person side of things as an independent. She was cool with that and we proceeded to get into a discussion about the system and about China. 

I don't know if she was drunk, depressed or just paranoid but it was no excuse for what would soon go from a pleasant conversation to her attacking me. Well start with the China bit as it is the shorter of these two. You never know what someone is really like until you have a talk like this which is why I tend to avoid them to the best of my ability. Well I didn't know she would flip out on me so I didn't bother trying to avoid it this time (I wish I had). Once again I jump off topic but really people are so easy to get along with till this shit gets brought up. They are so friendly and that's a benefit of the net, it frees us to say things we would never say to other people and it makes the masks we all wear more convincing. Anyway so she started up with a paranoid sounding statement about how she was surprised China didn't put sleepers in the stuff they send to us and she went from that into a rant about them owning most of America as it is and what sounder a lot like her saying they would take over. I proceeded to tell her that wouldn't happen. Come on really Kate?! China has no reason to screw themselves over by taking over, and they would if they did take over. No offence China but it’s true. When a nation gets too big it often throws that nation into chaos and I had to spend ten minuets pointing this out to her. At first things may be fine but the bigger the territory taken the harder it is to control. I had to point out times that it has happened trout history like Britain in the new world, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. I know that reason isn't the only factor in each by the way.

I went on to say it wouldn't benefit China to take over and have to deal with not only more territory to worry about but to gain the US's enemies and problems (financial and otherwise). No why it is true they have a lot of control I can't see a reason for then wanting all those problems when they can just as easily control things without taking over and that leaves them forever blameless for the bull shit we cause. It’s easier to leave the illusion of freedom and control things behind the scenes. That would lead her to promptly tell me I’m wrong and id lead us into out fight about the system by saying that it works kinda. While I know it may not last forever I do know it holds things together for now while we as people grow and learn to make things better. She disagreed that we get better and said we are all wasting our time. I had to point out that nothing we do is a waist. We are paving the way for the next generation to be better than us. I know things don't get better even in one lifetime in most cases and I accept that. Her response was to basically ask me why bother because we put people in power that are fucking idiots.  That led further into this fight about us as a species never getting better and the system. She tried to convince me that there's no point to our existence and that there was no meaning in believing that human kind does get better. In the end I told her to fuck off. I will not give up on us all. I know we get better little by little. I except that the things suck ass and that the system doesn't work well. However it’s the best we have for now.

Everyone who paid attention in government class in this country knows we the people don't really have much say in the leader. People like Kate give up on humanity because they say it’s stupid to see the good and they focus in on all the bad. People like me have faith that is unchanging. I refuse to give up that faith and by the end of our fight it sounded like if we each had a button that would end existence she would push it and I wouldn't. Yes the fight bothers me greatly and while she did have no right to attack me like that it isn't a crime online. That's it for me. See you all tomorrow for Frank Friday. Have a happy night till then.