Monday, July 29, 2013

Home at last

Finally I'm home from my job watching my fathers animals. It was fun but i'm really really happy to be home. I missed this place like crazy while I was gone. Frank missed me a lot too because first thing off he wanted my attention once he found out I was home. Its funny what you miss when your away from home. even the smallest things can make you feel that there's a part of you missing when your gone. Well now that i'm back things feel natural again. Sorry for last weeks lack of a Frank Friday post and a Caturday post. They will be back this Friday or Saturday. Happy nights till they everyone.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lap cat caturday

As readers of my blog will know I'm watching Spike again only this time I'm at my fathers place so I'm also watching J and the family's frog. J is just glad to have someone here and seems to have lost weight. Since she's decided to be lovable she's in my lap. I did get a few of Frank before I left. Happy nights till next time everyone.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Unexpected Fireworks

We got some unscheduled fireworks after the 4th since ours were rescheduled due to the rain, so i'm shearing them with you. I didn't catch the finally though which was around 10min later but my feet were killing me by this point in the video. Enjoy anyway and happy nights until next time everyone.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Job and other updates

Okay so its Ross and I'll go in order of earliest to latest bits of news. First off I'm just going to say this will be a short post. So to start off I excepted a week long job soon watching Spike at my fathers place starting on the 19th. It should be an okay job as it will have many perks like the cable, a stalked fridge, internet on the TVs, the ability to see my friend and i can be back in my old town for a week. I find i'm more creative there.

Next up is I went to the dentist the other day and remembered exactly why I hate dentists. My dad didn't take me much when i was younger and its been nearly a decade since I've seen one. In that time he says I gained like 6 cavities or so and i need a tooth removed even though it doesn't hurt. However that's not why I don't like them. No I have a STRONG gag reflex so just getting X-Rays done for my teeth is a damn hard task and the assistant kept making me gag and I fought her with my tong because she numbed my throat with something that also made me salivate so i couldn't swallow it and that made me gag more.

Today I updated my copy of don't starve and unlocked the new lumber jack person. He's fun to play aside from his one draw back. anyone who gets him will know why soon enough. In other game news steam couldn't help me on my game problem. I bought a few used games from Amazon so I now need to return them.

Lastly I hope you all had a nice fourth of July. Our town canceled our fireworks so not so good there. Oh well. Happy nights till next time everyone.