Monday, August 20, 2012

Ambition and Daydreaming

Okay hey ladies and gentlemen its Noba. Well I just got back from walking the mutt and taking these pictures. Okay so someones gonna ask why I'm posting these and my reply is "I'm fucking getting to it so wait ten seconds and you'll know." Okay now that that's out of the way let me get right to it. This is a building for sale not far from where i'm staying for now and oh god I cant walk past this thing without daydreaming of buying the fucker.
 Why am I daydreaming of buying this old building you ask? Well look at it and you'll see why. It has so much potential to make a great home with a fucking huge dungeon and its set right in town too so what a more kinky location for some fun. I've been thinking how cool it would be to put some one way mirrors behind the shop windows and fuck a slave girl there while people walk by *smirks* cant get a better location for that kind of mind fucking now can you? Honestly what submissive reading this doesn't think it at least sounds interesting.
So its taken me a week to get these pictures but they are finally up and I really feel good about sharing this fantastic daydream with everyone. I know I can't afford it but its nice to dream. Well I hope I have your imaginations going wild by now with thoughts of owning this yourselves and what you'd do with it. I'm glad you stopped by to read my blog. Hope you liked this post and keep reading. Happy nights till next post everyone.