Monday, October 15, 2012


Hey it’s Ross and if you’re a long time reader of this blog (if in fact any of those really exist yet) you know a while back I started dieting after a lot of humiliation ad my cousins wedding. No I will NOT retell that story. If you really are interested in it though go look at my earlier posts. You'll find it. Anyway back to what I was saying. So I started this diet to lose weight so I could fit comfortably in my black pinstripe dress pants again, then it progressed from there. After I could fit them I was looking at that evil BMI thing and I wanted it to say I’m in the normal weight for my height. Well tonight I finally fit in the ideal weight for my height once again after over six months of calorie counting (If my scales right that is). Now I can go back to eating 2100 calories a day. It’s wonderful to know I can go to an all you can eat buffet again and not worry if I’m over my limit on calories. It truly is a pain in the ass to count calories at a buffet and it also means I can eat snack foods again. Today I celebrated by eating three decent sized meals. Since the diet started I had cut back to two meals a day and I think it’s fucked with my health from not getting enough nutrients. No I will not be going back to my old ways that got me in this mess but also no I will not be calorie counting as much anymore. Kinda wish it was summer now so I could break out the fireworks and put on a yukata as bad as that may sound it would be fun to do, but alas its October and too cold for that. Plus I don't have any fireworks or own a yukata. Happy nights till next time everyone. Hope you enjoyed hearing my good news as much as I did.