Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cartoon Petition

Okay this is an issue I (both of us) feel very strongly about so bear with me on this and if you laugh pleas keep it to yourself. If any of you come to know me or already know me even without seeing this you'll know I'm a cartoon/anime fan in a big way but I'm also a critic (no not officially) of well-drawn cartoon art. When i see a show like adventure time it sickens me. Now before all you fans start with the hate mail hear me out. I am sickened because it looks like it was drawn by a five year old not because I hate the plot. When I see a badly drawn cartoon it pisses me off the laziness of the cartoonists. I still remember how it was five years ago back in the days when Toonami and Miguzi were still around. When cartoons were still held up to a slandered of excellence they were expected to show in the drawing just to stay on the block.

Blue And Finn
Okay here's an example of how bad its gotten. five years ago we had Fosters home for imaginary friends still running. That was one of the poorest cartoons drawn of the day (no offense meant people its just an example) and the simplest person in it was blue. Now we have Adventure time. In adventure time we have the simplest person to draw being Finn. After that the others of fosters were pretty detailed while the others of adventure still look like little kids drew them. I personally hate the concept that instead of making the quality of art go up we are degrading it to a point where we could bring in a nine year old child with no previous experience in cartooning and the kid could draw a better show.  By doing such lazy drawn cartoons the people at Cartoon Network are spitting in the face of real artists and giving children a false impression of what it takes to create good art. This laziness has also caused Cartoon Network to fall behind its sister networks Nickelodeon, and Disney. Of those three they run in third behind Disney who has dropped most cartoons from their block. Nickelodeon has consistently stuck to its standards of what makes a good cartoon and has continued its old classics into a new generation. This has made them vastly successful and with the new spin off of Avatar more success can be seen in the future for their network.

The way to get back on track for Cartoon Network is to raise the bar and make then produce well drawn cartoons again. To do that some shows have to be cut or their time slots be shortened and filled instead with cartoons of the previous generation until Cartoon network can produce New well-made cartoons to bring back its former glory and success. Fortunately enough if Cartoon Network were to bring back Toonami and Miguzi that would bring back a few hundred viewers by itself once the word spread. Finding old cartoons to replace some of the badly drawn new ones and fill the block would be no challenge ether. Then have over forty years’ worth of cartoons to choose from after all, but they should let the viewer’s choose by majority online from a list what they want to see come back. I think the list would have to have every cartoon made from on it from speed buggy to today. Everyone would get fifteen votes and once the time limit to vote was up just take the ones that scored highest. The more shows you put on the block the more variety you have and their for the more diversity you'll get bringing in new and old viewers and increasing ratings. If a different set of shows ran on different days they could get even better amounts of viewers tuning in to watch their favorite shows and that would jump them back up over their competitors. Their are and continue to be great working examples of fans choosing what goes into a program and that has made the show better. One such show is Seth Green's robot chicken on adult swim which has sparked wild popularity. Only difference is in the case of a block they would have more time and could put more shows into it to get just as much if not more success. Okay I'm gonna stop there before I rant any further. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment. Till next time.