Thursday, August 9, 2012


Okay its Ross so yesterday I went in and took my computer test to get my drivers license. Before I went I took the pre test online and got 80%. That s great and I was so happy and proud that I could score that high. Stacy agreed to take me to go take my test because she was in a good mood (so unfair since she 18 and already has one, though it is my fault I don't yet.). Everyone was really nice and told me they thought I'd do well which was a confidence booster from hell. So I get there and after 5min of questions I'm allowed to take my test. For starters the test I took at home was 25 questions and this one was 40 which made me nervous to begin with. I've never shown much interest in driving and always done poorly on tests so that didn't help. I needed to miss 11 to fail. Needless to say I did. A few of the ones I missed were due to second guessing myself. In the end i had 9 left that i never even got to see. I felt worthless after the test and the drive home was spent in silence on my part which isn't like me. Once we got home I got out with my MP3 and went for a long walk in the hot sun. It was like in the 90s but I didn't notice the heat and it was a sunny day but I got a call from my mom. At first I tried to shut her up by sending a text saying "on a walk. back later" but she wouldn't let it go so i answered my phone and told her I was fine and id be back soon.  Before that point I hadn't spoken a word for over an hour and a half though it seemed longer and I was so mad at myself for failing. Until later that night I was convinced I wouldn't bother trying the test again because I didn't wanna fail it again. Later I changed my mind but I decided today not to go take it again yet because i'm not prepared for it yet. Every time I look at that damn book It makes almost no since. Its like the book is written in a language I cant read. I think I'll try again in a few days after I study some more.