Thursday, January 10, 2013

Great news

Okay so Ann's husband got the job he applied to so shes staying at the house. Since she's here I (Ross) can finally get a job and learn to drive. I cant wait to get my life back which i can now that I have a ride to go places. I may even attend a munch some time. On another note I had to switch our internet company. When we did I put it in my name and we got a bundle so we have cable too. Its been over a year since I had cable thanks to our neighbors but that's another story. So in later news and i do mean i'm telling you all late  not its new I made a tumbler account that i'm just re blogging pictures on. If anyone wants the link to that just ask me for it. Along with that I got a new mic so i'm going to try to do lets plays and possibly video blogs. The only down side is i cant get my mic and web cam to work at the same time for some reason. Happy nights till next time everyone. Hope you liked reading.