Monday, April 30, 2012

Chess applied to real life

Warning: do take everything in this post with a grain of salt and do NOT get offended. Its nothing personal against anybody.

Hey everyone its Noba. Well I've been up for a bit and I've been doing something dangerous. Yeah I've been thinking again. Its funny sometimes the things in life that will make a person think. Especially if they have a lot on their mind. What I find funnier is what people think of when their mind wonders, all the little things that creep into their thoughts spinning web upon web of new and more bizarre ideas. The old chains of things long since forgotten or cast aside resurrected if only for a moment of contemplation. Its interesting to delve that deep into why we think how we think, and what we think about when our subconscious comes out to play. At least to me it is.

Well I've been thinking if life is all like a game it has to be a game of chess. Every person plays their own game so every person is the king of their own game yet another piece of another game. They choose how the game will be played. Will they scratch and claw their way to victory? If so who are they willing to climb over and why will they kick in the face to get to the top? Or will they seek the guidance of the wise, clear headed bishop?

Ultimately no matter how one plays the game in the game everyone is or can be an expendable piece and the people around you are your pawns to move and manipulate as you see fit to play the game. So our acquaintances are all pawns, we are the kings so far. Now to move on to our best friends, brave and loyal the ones who stick with us and wont give up on us. They will help us fight our battles and wont let us be alone in the fight, they are the knights. After then comes the people who serve as our muses the wise, clear minded bishops always ready to offer inspiration an advice if they be only called on for it. Last but not least we have our partner or closest companion. He or she is the queen and one of our greatest strengths in our arsenal. they are our crutch and our guidance, the one we love/trust the most even more than ourselves in some cases. They are also our greatest weakness so a queen should be chosen with EXTREME care and consideration. A word to the wise don't lean too heavily on your queen. If you do and she turns tarter you have crippled yourself for the fight until a new one may be obtained if in fact a new one may ever be obtained. Self reliance is the only safe rout. Lean on them yes but dont rely solely on them stand up tall because no one else can play the game for you. Were so together and yet so alone in the game its unbearable at times. :( Pick a good queen to guard you who you can trust with your life, who will make your wishes met. That's the best kind of queen and the only one of value, at least in my book.

Wow that took a different rode than I thought it would. Better stop ranting now but oh well, till next time I guess. Hope you enjoyed it or at least took something from it. Thanks to everyone who made it through the whole thing. Didn't mean to really take it that far but that's my musings for ya. Once again thanks for reading.

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