Monday, May 7, 2012

Mind fucking & possession

Okay well last night I got to see something I have wanted to since I heard about it listening to the Dark Side podcast. I got to see a mind fuck and I can say I honestly laughed my ass off from watching it. I know it'll sound mean that I did later but it was great and I loved witnessing it since no one knew it was coming and it was so spontaneous. 

Okay well here's how it went down. Ann and I were sitting around in the front room when her cell phone goes off. It was her 17 year old daughter calling from the other room. Her T.V was turning itself on and off without her or Frank clicking the remote. So she was all scared and had her mom come in and Ann saw it happen too. I think it just malfunctioned but Stacy (Ann's girl) is convinced her television is possessed. So when it happened with Ann in the room they unplugged the T.V and she started calming down. Well I said it was a malfunction so they had to prove to me it wasn't. So they brought me in and plugged it back in. Nothing happened as we waited there in the dark for it to turn itself on again. Unseen by Stacy Ann picked up the remote and clicked power so Stacy freaked out and ran from the room crying hysterically. Ann thought she was laughing at first so we laughed our asses off and she stopped laughing when she realized her 17 year old was crying her eyes out on her bed and refused to go back and sleep in her room again. She took a few things and took over her mom’s room. Because she was so scared of the T.V after the little prank she tried to unplug every television in the house. Needless to say I wouldn't let her do that aside from her own. She also turned Ann's T.V so it was facing the wall while she sleeps because she claimed it was looking at/watching her. Now Ann has to sleep on the couch because her daughters pissed at her and won’t let her have any of the bed.  Meanwhile I got great entertainment for the night and even though its mean I won’t feel bad that she was mind fucked like that after she’s been a bitch to me all week for no reason.

If it turns out her T.V is haunted though they want to get rid of it so I have agreed to take it to ward off evil spirits (Stacy) from visiting once I get moved or to sell to someone really into paranormal phenomena. Either way I'll win so why let them take a perfectly good T.V out to the street to throw away.

Okay well that's it for now but keep reading. Hope you liked reading this as much as I liked retelling it to you all. I have a sudden need to go watch ghost busters so till next time.

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