Saturday, October 27, 2012

Duel Post (Late Frank Friday & Fallow Up Post)

Hey all Its me Ross and yes I know Frank Friday is late. I had more pressing issues yesterday so it was postponed until today. My father took me to unguent care yesterday and we talked about a lot of things as we drove there. As long time readers of my blog will know me and my father don't always see eye to eye or get along but I was freaking out so we ended up talking about a lot of privet things I normally wouldn't mention or bring up at all. We did that till we got into the first building. We went in and everything was strange to be honest. I don't go to the doctor often and I'm horrible with remembering things so I'm glad he was there. I found it hard to fill out the paperwork with me being so stressed and my heart pounding away. 

Once we were in the lady that talked to us was rather lets say pushy like she wanted to get through everything quick which would have been fine if she had really said anything. Instead she sent us to the ER after doing a few tests. By the time we got there I was wigging out about the fact that I had NOT been told anything to disprove my greatest fear. The wait felt like forever before then took me to my room and told me to wait there. I did as I was told and ended up talking to my father a bit more and answering the nurses questions. well i'd say like ten min later the doctor came in and he was a nice guy honestly. He very much set my mind at ease till he wanted to run a CT scan on my head. See I went in worried about things that were super unlikely and I tried to see if a none radiation test was possible but in the end agreed to the CT. A few minutes later another guy wheeled my bed to the CT room and I got in the try. I was so nervous but he told me its the same radiation as standing next to the microwave so I calmed down and once I got in position the two nurses asked if i'd done a CT before because I seemed experienced with what was required of me. 

On the way back I talked to the male nurse who told me really people with the big C can live into their 70s which shocked me. I didn't and never want that but still. Anyway things had lightened up once I got back from the test and a half hour later the doctor came in and told me my brain was fine and he gave me a prescription of pills for vertigo and one there in the hospital. Once I got the news I was so relived and we went out and grabbed some Arby's before we got my pills and I was taken home. I gotta say that pill made me drowse and I slept ten hour only waking up a few times. It was hard to get up this morning too. So that's why I missed Frank Friday yesterday. Today were both chilling out in bed because the doctors never ran any blood work to tell me if I had a cold, flue or anything like that so I'm doing the bed rest thing till the cold symptoms go away. Being alone here and drowse sucks though because the day seems to be going on forever like times slowed down. I mean when I woke in the night It had been fifteen min since I went to bed but it felt like hours had passed and now that i'm up it feels later than it is. well thanks for reading and that's all for now. Happy nights till next time all, now I'm off to watch anime and get plenty to drink.

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