Saturday, December 22, 2012

Missing Frank Friday Expolnation

Okay i'm sorry I missed Frank Friday yesterday. I'm a very superstitious guy so with the End of the world predictions yesterday I wasn't feeling up to making a blog post. As a result I stayed up late waiting it out to see if we would all die. Good news is no such thing happened and were all still here. Bad news is stacking up though. Yesterday Stacy managed to break Ann's car adding to the stack of bills we have here. Good news on that was that unlike her own car Ann's was a quick, easy, cheep fix. More bad news we need a new motor for Stacy's car right after all the repairs and labor we just payed so her car is costing a damn fortune and is preventing us from paying other bills to get moved. This morning we were told Ted put in his two weeks and is looking for a new job if things don't change and that happened due to him being given a lode that will if they are lucky let them be home for five hours on Christmas day. This is pure bull shit and we have NEVER missed a Christmas or had so little under the tree. The gifts don't matter, what matters is he may quit in which case my life stays on pause another six months to a year if we don't relocate(not to mention that he should at least be here on Christmas even if there are no gifts and i do mean for the day not just five hours. This is why I HATE the trucking industry with a passion.) I've been sitting around  for around two years now and i'm getting sick of it. I need to be able to move forward and I cant do that living here. With Ann out helping Ted do his job no one is here to teach me to drive so I cant get a job to change it ether. Its not like we live near friends who will teach me or who I can car poll with or we live in a city so I can get a cab/take a bus. So there you have it. Happy nights till next time all and thanks for listening to me bitch.

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